Řešení mikrobiální kontroly pro kosmetiku a drogerii
Submitted by admin on 27 Listopad, 2013
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bioMérieux Industry provides a wide range of solutions for microbiological control entirely dedicated to the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries. From the microbial monitoring of air and surfaces to automated identification and typing, bioMérieux offers a full array of integrated solutions to provide efficient and reproducible microbiological results.
bioMérieux Industry provides a wide range of solutions for microbiological control entirely dedicated to the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries. From the microbial monitoring of air and surfaces to automated identification, bioMérieux offers a full array of integrated solutions to provide efficient and reproducible microbiological results. bioMérieux solutions have been developed, validated and manufactured worldwide in ISO 9001 (v2000) facilities following our Corporate Design Control procedure. All facilities are compliant with the FDA Good Manufacturing Practices, cGMP 21 CFR Part 820. Development and Validation files are archived in our Design History Files, which are fully accessible upon audit request. Each new product is validated following the stringent performance criteria expected by our customers and set by regulatory bodies such as the FDA, the US, European and Japanese Pharmacopoeias as well as ISO Standards. - See more at: http://industry.biomerieux.net/biopharma-0#sthash.0HQ5S7ss.dpuf
bioMérieux Industry poskytuje široké spektrum řešení pro mikrobiální kontrolu zaměřenou na kosmetický průmysl a drogerii. Od monitorování mikrobiální kontaminace vzduchu a povrchů až po automatizovanou detekci a typizaci bakterií, bioMérieux nabízí velkou škálu řešení, jejichž výsledky jsou efektivní a reprodukovatelné.